Super babysitters

The 21st of august 2010 Olivia had babysitters for the first time! Me & Sofie went to Andy and his Sofies wedding and while we were away Lotta & Sara took care of the baaaaaaaaby.

Everything went well but afterwards they were both really, really tired! Sara said she'd never realised how tiring it was to take care of a little baby and Lotta said that she'd forgotten how tiring it was.

Btw...this is how stunning we looked at the wedding.


On the 12th of july, at the tender age of 1 month and 3 days, Olivia attended her first picknick.

Sofie and Lovisa joined her and their pick-nick contained OJ, watermelon and digestives with cheese. But Olivia had to settle for breastmilk!

Hahaha. I'm funny.

Welcome home for the very first time Olivia


I know I said 3 o'clock...but stuff happened. Haha. Anyways, here is the exclusive never soon before footage I mentioned before!

Hope you enjoy =)

The first "first time" entry

Morning people!

It's Monday today...and since Monday is the first day of the week I thought this would be a good day to introduce "The first time" to you guys. Basically I will be writing about the first time Olivia does or did or experienced something. Like today for example I will be writing about the first time Olivia had a bath!

She was only a week old and me and Sofie were worried that the water was going to be too hot and that she was going to get burned. So we checked in books and on the internet to see what tempeture the water should be. And guess what...all the places we looked at recommended different tempetures! Bloody silliness. Lol.

Anyways...Olivias first bath went well and she didn't get burned. She did how ever have a little poo! Hahaha.

Olivias first day out

Yesterday was a big day here in Sweden. The Crown Princess got married and on Olivias request Sofie and I took her to Stockholm to celebrate it all.

So there you are, a great day had by all, Olivia was amazing even though she was asleep for most of the time! But thats fine see will see the pictures when she is older lol!

So until next time, take care and have a right Royal time!

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