Play day

We had a BBQ next to the playground with our lovely neighbours yesterday. There was lots and lots of delicious meat and I was head chef. Lol.

Unfortunately Olivia couldn't taste my fabulous cooking but I don't think she cared.
She was too busy having fun and playing!

Weekend outfits

Beautiful clothes on beautiful baby.


Baby in red!

And denim!

A tribute

My dear mother has gotten a tattoo as a tribute to Olivia!

I think it's awesome!

Thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much mum.
It is so cute and I think Olivia is going to think it is really cool when she gets older.

Walking the walk

I think it's only a matter of time before Olivia starts walking.

Just look at her strolling (and posing for the camera at the same time!) with her stroller like she's some kind of professional stroller! She's amazing.


Super babysitters

The 21st of august 2010 Olivia had babysitters for the first time! Me & Sofie went to Andy and his Sofies wedding and while we were away Lotta & Sara took care of the baaaaaaaaby.

Everything went well but afterwards they were both really, really tired! Sara said she'd never realised how tiring it was to take care of a little baby and Lotta said that she'd forgotten how tiring it was.

Btw...this is how stunning we looked at the wedding.


Super special outfit of the day!

This fantastic dress is from the swedish shop Polarn & Pyret. It is a fantastic shop. They have beautiful clothes. And most importantly the best Mika in the world works there! Mika is fantastic. I wish there were more Mikas in the world.

Oh, and if you haven't noticed it's also Carlys birthday today. So, Happy Birthday to her!


Isn't she the cutest little thing you've ever seen?

I've had a really nice day btw. Went to Barnens Hus (The Childrens House) for the first time and attended a babygroup. There were loads of babies and mums there. Apparently not the many dad goes there, but who cares! I enjoyed it. And it was nice meeting the people that Sofie and Olivia have been "hanging out" with.

Afterwards we went in to town and I brought a special dress for tomorrows outfit of the you're all really excited now! Lol.


On the 12th of july, at the tender age of 1 month and 3 days, Olivia attended her first picknick.

Sofie and Lovisa joined her and their pick-nick contained OJ, watermelon and digestives with cheese. But Olivia had to settle for breastmilk!

Hahaha. I'm funny.


Pink baby!

Healthy baby

Olivia likes vitamins!

At first she was a bit skeptical of having her picture taken while she was still in her pyjamas, but when Sofie showed her the vitamins she gave her the all clear.

Welcome home for the very first time Olivia


I know I said 3 o'clock...but stuff happened. Haha. Anyways, here is the exclusive never soon before footage I mentioned before!

Hope you enjoy =)


Purple outfit of the day.

And guess what...later on today I will be releasing exclusive never seen before footage here on the blog so make sure to pop by round 3 o'clock =P


Here's a very late Hello Kitty themed outfit of the day.

Haven't had time to blog earlier since me, Sofie and Olivia have spent most of the day at Sofie's dads place. So there you go, I have a valid reason for this late post =)


I present to you the easter inspired outfit of the day!

And look! I managed to put her shoes on the right foot. I win!


Olivia usually goes to bed at 7-8 o'clock and sleeps all through the night until 8-9 o'clock in the morning. But last night she woke up twice  and cried her eyes out for almost an hour each time. I tried feeding her, I tried changing her nappy, I tried rocking her back to sleep but she just kept crying. When she finally went back to sleep it was purely beacuse she was exhausted from all the crying.

Since Olivia almost never wakes up during the night I started wondering if maybe she'd been having nightmares. But the I thought can babies really have nightmares?

Thanks to the wonder that is google I found a very interesting article about babies and whether or not they actually have nightmares. Check it out here.

TV time

Olivia likes to watch Bolibompa! It's a swedish childrens program and I don't understand any of it. Hahaha.

Also, for you out there who like to worry a lot...she only gets to watch TV 15 minutes per day. And some days she doesn't watch it at all. So there! LOL


Today Olivia told me that she wanted to wear something a bit more "grown-up" and since her wish is my command I pulled out this ensemble of the closet! She was very impressed as you can tell by the face! lol

We've decided to call this look the posh office look.


Outfit of the day. Dancing Stars and polka dots. It's a winning combination!


In may last year, just a couple of weeks before Olivia was born, I wrote this...

So, what do you think? Did get it right? Does this look like Olivia?

I don't think so...


Today is the first time Olivia wears a skirt! And she's doing it clap your hands everybody! LOL


Outfit of the day!

Let's all have a guess how long it will take before she pulls that hairband of, puts it in her mouth and drools all over it =)

The first "first time" entry

Morning people!

It's Monday today...and since Monday is the first day of the week I thought this would be a good day to introduce "The first time" to you guys. Basically I will be writing about the first time Olivia does or did or experienced something. Like today for example I will be writing about the first time Olivia had a bath!

She was only a week old and me and Sofie were worried that the water was going to be too hot and that she was going to get burned. So we checked in books and on the internet to see what tempeture the water should be. And guess what...all the places we looked at recommended different tempetures! Bloody silliness. Lol.

Anyways...Olivias first bath went well and she didn't get burned. She did how ever have a little poo! Hahaha.


Very late outfit of the day!

Books, böcker, livres, libros, bücher!

Apart from outfit of the day I will be writing about things that Olivia likes. So without further  ado, here's the first "Olivia-likes-post"...

Olivia likes books!

She doesn't read much tho. She just throws them on the floor, rolls around and makes a mess! LOL.

And sometimes she bites them aswell. Poor books!


During the weekends Sofie dresses Olivia. Sometimes she gets it right sometimes she gets it wrong. Hahaha.

I think she did a good job today ;-)


Although Olivia is just a baby she understands the importance of football and she would like you to check out this fantastic website.

They have an extensive range of football memorabilia (including signed pictures and football programmes), football souvenirs and football gifts (i.e mugs, key rings, footballs, boot bags, clocks, bedding and so on). They're based in the UK, but deliver to Sweden as well. And if you live in the London area you can visit there shop which is located in the Romford Shopping Hall in...Romford! =)

An interesting fact btw...Olivia was born two days before the world cup so she was introduced to the world of football at a very early age. And she said right from the start that Spain was going to win...she obviously knew what she was talking about! Hahaha.

I'm back!'s been 7 months since I last updated my blog. What can I say? I've been busy. But I'm on paternity leave now so I'm going to do my best to update at least once or twice a week...let's see how that goes shall we? Anyone care to place any bets on how many weeks I'll last? LOL.

Anyways...I went on pappa ledigt, as they call it here in Sweden, on the 25th of february. That means I've been of for a month now. So far it's been amazing! And one of my favorite things with being home with Olivia is dressing her each day...haha...who would have thought that I was a wannabe stylist? =)

Those of you who are friends with me on facebook can't have missed my "outfit of the day" photos. I post them every day without fail and I dare say it's become quite popular.

Here are some of my favorite outfits so far...



If I may so myself I'm doing a quite good job =)


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