Healthy baby

Olivia likes vitamins!

At first she was a bit skeptical of having her picture taken while she was still in her pyjamas, but when Sofie showed her the vitamins she gave her the all clear.

TV time

Olivia likes to watch Bolibompa! It's a swedish childrens program and I don't understand any of it. Hahaha.

Also, for you out there who like to worry a lot...she only gets to watch TV 15 minutes per day. And some days she doesn't watch it at all. So there! LOL

Books, böcker, livres, libros, bücher!

Apart from outfit of the day I will be writing about things that Olivia likes. So without further  ado, here's the first "Olivia-likes-post"...

Olivia likes books!

She doesn't read much tho. She just throws them on the floor, rolls around and makes a mess! LOL.

And sometimes she bites them aswell. Poor books!

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