Amazing, wonderful movement!
Anyways, as we sat there I noticed alot of movement from Sofies stomach, so I whipped out the camera and what followed was the video to find out!
As you can see she really is moving alot! I think Olivia knew we were filming as she has never moved that much in one go! Maybe she is getting restless!
Anyways, that's my amazing story for today, I feel great now and cannot wait till the birth!
On a quick note thank you for all your guesses from my previous post and if you haven't guessed yet please do, there is still time!
So my darling readers until next time, take care and keep on moving!
Competition Time!!! my question to all my wonderful readers is this:
"We are due Olivia on the 30th, but when do you think she will actually be born?"
Please leave a comment below and the nearest person wins 47SEK (just imagine what you could buy with that!) haha :)
Happy guessing!!
And until next time, take care and good luck!
Preparing for contractions
As I am a bit of a self confessed geek I have just downloaded a really cool app for my iPhone.
It's a contraction counter (pretty self explanatory)!
All I have to do is tap a button when Sofies contraction starts and then when it ends, the app will tell us how long it lasted (perfect as I’m sure I'll be busy running around like a headless chicken at that time). The good thing is that it will also tell us how frequent the contractions are so we will know when it's best to go to the hospital!
Obviously the best advice will come from the Mid-wives, but this app is good for a guide.
Anyways, it's back to work for me now. So until next time, take care and keep your fingers crossed for us (not long now!!!)
Photo fun for everyone!
So, without further's Olivia!
Sofie and I can't wait to see our daughter for the first time. Hopefully we don't have to wait much longer now...
Have you missed me?
I apologize, but I've been very busy. I've played football, been promoted at work, interviewed applicants for my team, visited the museum of Natural History and enjoyed the fantastic weather.
Sofie is fine btw. We had an appointment at the midwife on friday and everything looked great. Only 1 week to go now! make up for the lack of posts, here is a video of some swedish girls dancing that I filmed today =) more thing. It's now nearly been a week since I last smoked and I feel great!
So until next time, take care and dance and if you can't dance then you aint no friend of mineeeee..."safety dance"
As you know this blog is only a couple of weeks old but already I'm googling my blog's name and I have noticed that I have been mentioned a couple of times!! :)
So to re-pay the favour to those great people here are links to their blogs... (click photos to view their pages)
First blog is my partners cousin Pia,, who has a fantastic blog and has mentioned me a couple of times with amazingly nice posts. She's amazing and her blogg is a really good read (some posts in English and some in Swedish).
The second is a girl called Lovisa,, who is a very good friend of Sofie. She is weird (in a nice way) and has a very entertaining blog. Make sure to check out some of her video's...even if you do understand swedish you will still not know what the hell is going on hahaha!
Also a special mention goes out to a good friend of mine called Lauren "lolly" Blazing squad...he he! She has been doing some really good marketing for the site and has given me lots of readers over in England (Thank you so much hunny!).
So thanks again to all, glad you are enjoying this blog enough to mention me! It means alot.
On another quick note, as you may have noticed by my last post I have now given up smoking! 32 hours with no ciggie and I'm feeling surprisingly good. A friend of mine told me that the third day is the worst because of all the toxins leaving your body, so we will see what I am like in the next couple of days!
So until next time, take care....and keep your fingers crossed for my new non-smoking life :)
Smoking Hot!
Baby Shower
I made a video which will explain the day, also below I have posted the video I made for Sofies surprise baby shower last month (arranged by her best friend Anna). Sofie had a great time and it was nice to see all her friends there, thanks again to all that came!
And here's the video from the baby shower...
Sorry for the short one today but it's been a busy day and I'm really tired so I'm off to bed now :)
So until next time, take care and sweet dreams.
Time Together...
We decided to be a bit cultural and visit a couple of museums.
As Sofie knows my love for all things police related, we went to the police museum here in Stockholm. We had a great time but my only problem was that everything was in swedish and unfortunatly with my limited swedish I didn't get all the information. But all in all it was a very well set out museum and I learnt alot about the workings of the police here in Sweden. Here are a few piccie pics :) (click picture to make bigger)
We finished quite early from the police museum so we decided to have a look at the Technology museum, now I didnt have high hope for this one but it was AMAZING!!!! I was like a little kid running around playing with all the interactive things, I wont bore you with all the details but have a look at their website the best area was definitely where they had a mock space station and you could see how astronauts live and work!
So anyways, after a tiresome day we are going to relax and watch some TV, as said before we need to "get all the rest you can now before your baby arrives" quote from
Until next time, take care and stay cultural :)
Mens Health
Before I knew I was going to be a father I was a bit of a party animal! I used to drink nearly everyday, smoked too much and stressed about nearly everything, but now I know that that Olivia is going to be depending on me 24/7 it is time for a change.
I know I am only 26 and I should be a healthy young man, but I am starting to notice that my health is not as good as it was when I was in the military. For example I played a little football a couple of weeks ago with my work and it took me 2 days to recover! lol
I want to be fit and healthy for Olivia and be able to care and protect her when necessary, also I want to be around her a looooonng time and if I carry on with the style of life as before I will not be (scary thought I know)!
DETOX!!! Yep, for the past 5 weeks I have been detoxing from alcohol. I never drank to extreme but as mentioned before I used to half a couple of beers or glasses of wine every night. So my Detox has been like this, I started with 2 days off alcohol then 2 days on then after that it was 3 days off 2 days on etc etc. I am now up to the stage where I only drink a couple at the weekend! I feel great, I'm much more motivated and better in the mornings, my work is starting to get better, I'm not having mood swings and life is just generally better.
My second "vice" is smoking, it all started when I was 15-16 and I tried to fit in with all the "cool kids". How I wish I never started! Apart from all the obvious health problems smoking brings, I have been having shortness of breath from time-to-time, so this is obviously a warning to myself to give up.
This post was not to scare all those Dads out there but it's something that has been playing on my mind and I felt that this was a good topic to cover, of course there are other factors like a good diet and exercise but I'm only pointing out my 2 "majors".
So until next time, take care and stay healthy!
Baby Scans
I was looking through some pictures on my laptop and I thought I would share these one's with you. The first one is from when Sofie was 8 weeks pregnant and the second one is from week 18. Even though it was a long time ago it still feels like yesterday when we found out we were going to have a baby (that story will be coming soon).
I'm off to bed now, hope you have all had a great day!
Until next time take care.
Tips From The "Rents"!
So it's been over 24 hours since I started this blogg and I've had fantastic response!! Thanks to all!
Just a quick one this morning as I've got lots of meetings at work.
My parents have provided me with there own tips so i wanted to include them into this blog also.
My Father (Ivan) wrote:
"One tip......There will ALWAYS be some differences in opinion between the two of you in respect to 'what's best for Baby' and you will continue to receive some conflicting advise from others. Take it all in and listen well to each other then all that is expected from you is to make a choice, do your best and learn from your mistakes as you go on. "
And my Mother (Caroline):
"Enjoy every moment, you will live and learn by the mistakes you make and go through but one thing we do know is that the little one will grow up to be a very good, honest and wonderful person. Love and miss ya loads Danny and big hugs to Sofie not long to go now. Mum and Paulxx"
Fantastic advice from both, I just hope that I can be as good a parent as Ivan and Caroline were to me :)
Anyways, I need to focus on work now...hope you all have a nice day!
P.s Remember that you can leave comments here on the blog as well as on facebook
Quick Tip Number 1...(Including shameless self-promotion)
Thanks to Emma Rogers for this tip...
"Very good Danny, you're a natural in front of the camera! Word of advice from one parent to another, in the next couple of weeks, make big meals and freeze them, I didn't have time to cook anything in the first few weeks! Bet you're very excited"
This is my first, and hopefully one of many tips from other people that I will include on my blog so remember to keep sending them to me. Also if you have any ideas what to write about, please don't hesitate to contact me :)
Sleepless in Stockholm...
I received another newsletter from this morning. But before I go on i'll tell you a little about
BabyCentre is the UK's number one pregnancy and parenting website. Every month, two million parents and parents-to-be visit the site for helpful information, expert advice and friendly support, so there you go!
When we found out that we were going to have a baby I immediately browsed the internet for support websites, and looking through a few I came to the Babycentre website and I must say it is FANTASTIC!!! We receive a week-by-week newsletter account of what going on through the pregnancy. It is very informative and has helped us a lot with all the little things that you may not think about!
Anyways, as I was saying I received another Newsletter this morning informing me that at this stage in the pregnancy Sofie may be experiencing sleeping problems............ohhhhhhh bloody really!!!! A bit too late on that update Babycentre!
Fellas, at around 35 weeks your darling, sweet partner that usually love's cuddling up to you at night and will never change position even if you wanted her too has now turned into something out of a Run Dmc video! I always thought the sleepless nights came after the baby was born...haha.
So my little break-dancer is now tossing and turning, waking up 4-5 times a night and just generally not feeling good, (bless her) so for her and all the rest of the break dance posse here is a little tip from Babycentre…
Try curling up or stretching out on your left side with a pillow between your legs. (And keep returning to that position if you wake up at night and find yourself on your stomach or back.) You can buy a number of different maternity pillows, though you may find that your usual pillows work just as well. Arrange them between your legs, under your bump, and behind your back for extra comfort and support. In your third trimester, you might find that wearing a sleeping bra and a maternity belt will give you extra support and make you more comfortable.
Hope this helps and if it doesn’t, don’t forget that it will only be for a few weeks more, then the real sleepless nights begin!
That's all for now...until next time, take care and try to get some rest (he he) :)
New Bloggy Blog!!
So it’s time for a new blog! And this one is all about my new baby.
My girlfriend Sofie is now in week 37 so soon I am going to be a "first time father".
This is why i am starting a new blog. It’s an opportunity for me as a very excited person to express my thoughts and also to give and receive some much needed advice.
The purpose of this blog is to be helpful and also informative; I want you to follow my journey from birth to infinity and beyond lol! I will be writing as well as including videos and I would love this to be interactive, please leave comments and feedback on what you would like me to write about. As I have said I’m a first time dad so apart from all the advice from mid-wives, family, friends and the occasional randomer on the street I have had no experience.
So I shall bring you up to date on the pregnancy so far..........
“All has been well!”
Yes I’m serious. We have been blessed with an amazing pregnancy; Sofie has been incredible and so strong through all of this! Apart from a little scare at the start with an irregular heart-beat all has been really good, I’m so proud of her.
As of yesterday we have brought all the essentials we need, we brought our carry cot for the pram, (an iCandy) and it’s perfect although really hard to assemble.
Apart from that as you can in the video we seem to be ready with the room (although you can never be completely ready) and the overnight bags are packed.
So anyway that was just a short update to bring you all up to speed.
Hope you keep reading and i'll apologise straight away for my terrible grammar (I’m better at videos lol)
Until next time, take care.