Time Together...

Today, as advised by Babycentre, me and Sofie spent some quality time together!

We decided to be a bit cultural and visit a couple of museums.

As Sofie knows my love for all things police related, we went to the police museum here in Stockholm. We had a great time but my only problem was that everything was in swedish and unfortunatly with my limited swedish I didn't get all the information. But all in all it was a very well set out museum and I learnt alot about the workings of the police here in Sweden. Here are a few piccie pics :) (click picture to make bigger)

We finished quite early from the police museum so we decided to have a look at the Technology museum, now I didnt have high hope for this one but it was AMAZING!!!! I was like a little kid running around playing with all the interactive things, I wont bore you with all the details but have a look at their website the best area was definitely where they had a mock space station and you could see how astronauts live and work!

So anyways, after a tiresome day we are going to relax and watch some TV, as said before we need to "get all the rest you can now before your baby arrives" quote from babycentre.co.uk

Until next time, take care and stay cultural :)

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