Sleepless in Stockholm...
I received another newsletter from this morning. But before I go on i'll tell you a little about
BabyCentre is the UK's number one pregnancy and parenting website. Every month, two million parents and parents-to-be visit the site for helpful information, expert advice and friendly support, so there you go!
When we found out that we were going to have a baby I immediately browsed the internet for support websites, and looking through a few I came to the Babycentre website and I must say it is FANTASTIC!!! We receive a week-by-week newsletter account of what going on through the pregnancy. It is very informative and has helped us a lot with all the little things that you may not think about!
Anyways, as I was saying I received another Newsletter this morning informing me that at this stage in the pregnancy Sofie may be experiencing sleeping problems............ohhhhhhh bloody really!!!! A bit too late on that update Babycentre!
Fellas, at around 35 weeks your darling, sweet partner that usually love's cuddling up to you at night and will never change position even if you wanted her too has now turned into something out of a Run Dmc video! I always thought the sleepless nights came after the baby was born...haha.
So my little break-dancer is now tossing and turning, waking up 4-5 times a night and just generally not feeling good, (bless her) so for her and all the rest of the break dance posse here is a little tip from Babycentre…
Try curling up or stretching out on your left side with a pillow between your legs. (And keep returning to that position if you wake up at night and find yourself on your stomach or back.) You can buy a number of different maternity pillows, though you may find that your usual pillows work just as well. Arrange them between your legs, under your bump, and behind your back for extra comfort and support. In your third trimester, you might find that wearing a sleeping bra and a maternity belt will give you extra support and make you more comfortable.
Hope this helps and if it doesn’t, don’t forget that it will only be for a few weeks more, then the real sleepless nights begin!
That's all for now...until next time, take care and try to get some rest (he he) :)