Quick Tip Number 1...(Including shameless self-promotion)

Thanks to Emma Rogers for this tip...

"Very good Danny, you're a natural in front of the camera! Word of advice from one parent to another, in the next couple of weeks, make big meals and freeze them, I didn't have time to cook anything in the first few weeks! Bet you're very excited"

This is my first, and hopefully one of many tips from other people that I will include on my blog so remember to keep sending them to me. Also if you have any ideas what to write about, please don't hesitate to contact me :)

Your comments
Posted by: Lovisa

I think this is a really good tip. Maybe I should do it myself every sunday. I don't feel I have the time (ok, i just don't want) to cook every evening in the weeks. Clever clever!!!

2010-05-10 @ 22:05:16
URL: http://lulun.blogg.se/
Posted by: Daddydan

Thanks for the link on your blogg Lovisa :) i deffinatly owe you a video now xxxxx

2010-05-10 @ 22:19:22

Comment pleeeease!

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